use luhn::*; fn process_valid_case(number: &str, is_luhn_expected: bool) { assert_eq!(is_valid(number), is_luhn_expected); } #[test] fn single_digit_strings_can_not_be_valid() { process_valid_case("1", false); } #[test] fn a_single_zero_is_invalid() { process_valid_case("0", false); } #[test] fn a_simple_valid_sin_that_remains_valid_if_reversed() { process_valid_case("059", true); } #[test] fn a_simple_valid_sin_that_becomes_invalid_if_reversed() { process_valid_case("59", true); } #[test] fn a_valid_canadian_sin() { process_valid_case("055 444 285", true); } #[test] fn invalid_canadian_sin() { process_valid_case("055 444 286", false); } #[test] fn invalid_credit_card() { process_valid_case("8273 1232 7352 0569", false); } #[test] fn valid_number_with_an_even_number_of_digits() { process_valid_case("095 245 88", true); } #[test] fn strings_that_contain_non_digits_are_invalid() { process_valid_case("055a 444 285", false); } #[test] fn valid_strings_with_punctuation_included_become_invalid() { process_valid_case("055-444-285", false); } #[test] fn symbols_are_invalid() { process_valid_case("055£ 444$ 285", false); } #[test] fn single_zero_with_space_is_invalid() { process_valid_case(" 0", false); } #[test] fn more_than_a_single_zero_is_valid() { process_valid_case("0000 0", true); } #[test] fn input_digit_9_is_correctly_converted_to_output_digit_9() { process_valid_case("091", true); } #[test] /// using ASCII value for doubled non-digit isn't allowed /// Convert non-digits to their ASCII values and then offset them by 48 sometimes accidentally declare an invalid string to be valid. /// This test is designed to avoid that solution. fn using_ascii_value_for_doubled_nondigit_isnt_allowed() { process_valid_case(":9", false); } #[test] /// valid strings with a non-digit added at the end become invalid fn valid_strings_with_a_nondigit_added_at_the_end_become_invalid() { process_valid_case("059a", false); } #[test] /// valid strings with symbols included become invalid fn valid_strings_with_symbols_included_become_invalid() { process_valid_case("055# 444$ 285", false); } #[test] /// using ASCII value for non-doubled non-digit isn't allowed /// Convert non-digits to their ASCII values and then offset them by 48 sometimes accidentally declare an invalid string to be valid. /// This test is designed to avoid that solution. fn using_ascii_value_for_nondoubled_nondigit_isnt_allowed() { process_valid_case("055b 444 285", false); } #[test] /// valid number with an odd number of spaces fn valid_number_with_an_odd_number_of_spaces() { process_valid_case("234 567 891 234", true); } #[test] /// non-numeric, non-space char in the middle with a sum that's divisible by 10 isn't allowed fn invalid_char_in_middle_with_sum_divisible_by_10_isnt_allowed() { process_valid_case("59%59", false); } #[test] /// unicode numeric characters are not allowed in a otherwise valid number fn valid_strings_with_numeric_unicode_characters_become_invalid() { process_valid_case("1249①", false); }