# Anagram Welcome to Anagram on Exercism's Rust Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. ## Instructions An anagram is a rearrangement of letters to form a new word. Given a word and a list of candidates, select the sublist of anagrams of the given word. Given `"listen"` and a list of candidates like `"enlists" "google" "inlets" "banana"` the program should return a list containing `"inlets"`. The solution is case insensitive, which means `"WOrd"` is the same as `"word"` or `"woRd"`. It may help to take a peek at the [std library](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.char.html) for functions that can convert between them. The solution cannot contain the input word. A word is always an anagram of itself, which means it is not an interesting result. Given `"hello"` and the list `["hello", "olleh"]` the answer is `["olleh"]`. You are going to have to adjust the function signature provided in the stub in order for the lifetimes to work out properly. This is intentional: what's there demonstrates the basics of lifetime syntax, and what's missing teaches how to interpret lifetime-related compiler errors. Try to limit case changes. Case changes are expensive in terms of time, so it's faster to minimize them. If sorting, consider [sort_unstable](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.slice.html#method.sort_unstable) which is typically faster than stable sorting. When applicable, unstable sorting is preferred because it is generally faster than stable sorting and it doesn't allocate auxiliary memory. ## Source ### Created by - @EduardoBautista ### Contributed to by - @andrewclarkson - @ashleygwilliams - @bobahop - @chancancode - @ClashTheBunny - @coriolinus - @cwhakes - @Dimkar3000 - @EduardoBautista - @efx - @ErikSchierboom - @gris - @IanWhitney - @kytrinyx - @lutostag - @mkantor - @nfiles - @petertseng - @pminten - @quartsize - @rofrol - @stevejb71 - @stringparser - @xakon - @ZapAnton ### Based on Inspired by the Extreme Startup game - https://github.com/rchatley/extreme_startup